Making use of Ruby 3 destructuring
Ruby 3 has some nice set of features, but destructuring is something that I am using a lot. Noting few of them here.
With Ruby 3 we have hash destructuring based on improved pattern matching.
Tried on ruby version ruby 3.1.1p18 (2022-02-18 revision 53f5fc4236) [arm64-darwin21]
What we used to do
We could destructure an array like this
irb(main):002:0> head, *rest = [1,2,3]=> [1, 2, 3]irb(main):003:0> head=> 1irb(main):004:0> rest=> [2, 3]
But for hashes the below did not work
irb(main):005:0> {head, *rest } = {head:1, rest: 3}# eval': (irb):5: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting => (SyntaxError)# {head, *rest } = {head:1, rest: 3}
We could although do this
irb(main):006:0> head = { head: 1, rest: 3}.values_at(:head)=> [1]irb(main):007:0> head=> [1]
but then we get an array as a result and not the best experience.
What we can do now
In ruby 3 with rightward assignment operator we can do
irb(main):008:0> h = { x:1, y:2, z:3 }=> {:x=>1, :y=>2, :z=>3}irb(main):009:0> h => {x:}=> nilirb(main):010:0> x=> 1irb(main):011:0> h=> {:x=>1, :y=>2, :z=>3}
Also, if not found
irb(main):012:0> h => {k:}(irb):12:in `<main>': {:x=>1, :y=>2, :z=>3}: key not found: :k (NoMatchingPatternKeyError)
But this a runtime error, so we need to rescue this
irb(main):013:0> h => {k:} rescue nil=> nilirb(main):014:0> k=> nil
We can also do rightward assignment as well
irb(main):019:0> h = { x:1, y:2, z:3 }=> {:x=>1, :y=>2, :z=>3}irb(main):020:0> h => { y: k}=> nilirb(main):021:0> k=> 2
And one the best use cases
irb(main):022:1* def sambarirb(main):023:1* result = 42irb(main):024:1* { result: }irb(main):025:0> end=> :sambarirb(main):026:0> r = sambar=> {:result=>42}irb(main):027:0> r=> {:result=>42}
Looking at you JS 😏
Another sample usage
irb(main):056:0> x = {:height=>'6 ft', :weight=>'160 lbs', :hair=>'brown', :name=>'bob'}=> {:height=>"6 ft", :weight=>"160 lbs", :hair=>"brown", :name=>"bob"}irb(main):057:0> x => {height: user_height}=> nilirb(main):058:0> user_height=> "6 ft"
Further Reading
There are more use cases and patterns, which can be seen in the docs.
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